Thursday 20 February 2014

 Wine Village Hermanus

Hermanus Wine Club Tasting

Our next tasting is on 4 March. Hannes Storm, winemaker at Hamilton Russell Vineyards, will be presenting his own wine under the label STORM.
As seating is limited we encourage you to confirm your seat as soon as possible.
►Wine Club members who have paid their yearly subs – thank you.
Your subscription of R300 offers you:
•10 tastings for 2014
•Free entry to Hermanus Wine & Food Festival 2014
•Discounted prices on wine purchases at the Wine Village
►Visitors and Swallows pay R30 per tasting.
To book drop me an email on or phone me on 028-316-3988.

Yours in wine!

 Wine Village Hermanus

Hannes studied B.Sc. Viticulture and Oenology at the University of Stellenbosch. His first vintage stint was at Hamilton Russell Vineyards in 2000 during his final year.

After the 2000 vintage, he was offered a permanent position at Hamilton Russell vineyards that he filled from January 2001 until November 2002.

Hannes joined the Hamilton Russell Vineyards team as winemaker in September 2004. During that time he was part of the winemaking team that reaped numerous national and international awards and claim.
He has travelled extensively in the past few years to California, Oregon and Burgundy to pursue his Pinot noir passion. He is also a member of the Management Committee of the Pinotage Association.